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University Entrance

From the last 5 years of graduating classes over 99% of our Grade 12 students were accepted into post-secondary studies. At Mentor College, we expect more from our students, and we get it! We firmly believe that a high school education should prepare its students with the time management and study skills for finishing university, not just the marks for getting in the door!

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University Entrance

Class of 2023 – University Destinations

This is a breakdown of where the graduates of the Class of 2023 currently attend university.

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University Entrance

Class of 2023 – University Programmes

These are the post-secondary programmes in which the graduates of the Class of 2023 are currently enrolled.


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University Entrance

Class of 2023 – Highlights

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University Entrance


Alumni Minute

Watch these videos to see what our alumni have to say about how Mentor prepared them for university.

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