Through affiliated programmes, Mentor College a variety of day camps that operate throughout the year - during Winter Holiday, March Break, and Summer Holiday.
Ballin’ with Mr. B is a basketball focused day camp that develops the skills of beginners to advanced future ballers! We also develop and encourage sportsmanship through various cooperative games played throughout the day. The camp is located at the Mentor Primary Campus and is open to students from junior kindergarten to grade four. The camp is run throughout the summer, winter and March breaks.
London Soccer Academy has been running a fun and skill-building youth soccer experience since 2012. Our individual attention to each participant is centered on a positive and technical approach. Our motto is “Discover the Player Within”, so children can begin their playing experience with a proficient foundation. We also place emphasis on team building and positive reinforcement.
The program offers a JK-Grade 5 experience in a 3:15 - 4:25 pm time slot and a Grade 5-9 experience in a 4:30 - 5:30 pm time slot on Mondays & Wednesdays at the Mentor College Main Campus field, dome and/or gym. This opportunity is open to everyone in these age groups in the school and community.
During the school year, registration is open and players can sign up at any time. One session consists of eight classes, with training on Mondays and Wednesdays or enrollment once a week is an option.
Registration for summer programming opens in February of that year.
For more information, visit the website and downlaod the brochure.
Port Credit Swim Academy has been teaching children how to swim since 2003. We keep our classes small to ensure the most attention to each student. Port Credit Swim Academy is affiliated with both the Red Cross Society and the Lifesaving Society. New this year is our Saturday lessons, which are open to everyone in the school and community.
If you are interested in signing your child up for a baseball/sports camp at the school with Mr. Taylor this summer, please take a look through this flyer. There is a Google form in the flyer with registration details.