Today is Bell Let's Talk Day

Today is “Let’s Talk Day” in Canada. We are in the 4th week of remote learning (and the second lockdown of the pandemic) so its timing could not be more relevant.

Everyone would love to be back-to-school with our pre-pandemic “normal” and while I think it is nice to look forward to this day, it is clear that it will be a long time before COVID-19 will be in our rear-view mirror. In the meantime, we are all doing our best to apply the “new normal” to our lives. For our students, it means being more attached to the same screens that parents scolded them for over-using 12 months ago. For our staff members, it means not only teaching material lessons but also learning a new suite of software (for everything from daily lessons to final evaluations) in order to best deliver to their students in a remote-learning setting.

For an individual student or teacher, the “new normal” would be tough enough on its own. When you add in the dynamics of a family where everyone is needing the time, space, and devices in order to do their daily tasks, however, the physical and mental health of everyone suffers. Any parent who is ensuring the kids are logged in and engaged in school lessons, working from home themselves, and still managing to keep everyone fed, dressed, and clean (particularly with our younger students) has undiagnosed superhero powers! This of course also applies to our teachers who have school-aged children who are learning at the same time Dad or Mom is teaching.

We know everyone is struggling at times and we are also aware that the lockdown has affected some of you greatly. It is OK to feel this way and it is even more OK to talk about it. Mentor’s high school principal, Mr. Whyte, says:

It is very important for our high school students to reach out and talk to someone, especially during these days of isolation. Our guidance counsellors are available every day to listen and help. Guidance is a valuable resource for students, parents and teachers and we are happy this service continues to be of use.

Mr. Whyte loves the outdoors and when I asked him for his best advice for remote learners, teachers, and parents, he suggests:

I cannot overstate the importance of physical and outdoor activity. We should all aim to get outside for some fresh air every day to help refresh us from the screen time we all endure each day.

Our director, Mr. Macdonald, has noticed the sense of community and how teachers and students have been a great source of peer-to-peer strength for each other:

When I visit a class that is remote learning, one of the things I enjoy seeing most is the students interacting with each other. When I start a staff meeting I know that the teachers will log on a few minutes early just to have a moment to see each other and to socialize. It’s amazing to see how students and teachers manage to support each other and lift spirits, even in a virtual setting.

This sense of community goes for our parents as well. We know that you are keeping in touch with each other and fostering some of the friendships that have developed through your association with our school. We have been receiving messages from parents who want to thank a specific teacher or the school in general for the remote learning programme; teachers seem to get these needed bits of praise just when they are needed most. We have also heard from parents who feel that they (or their children) are “failing” because they have trouble juggling all the new responsibilities that the pandemic has been placed upon them. Reach out and let us know. We might be able to help in a tangible way; even if that means just listening, perhaps that can help in some small way.

Most of all we are thankful for the students and there are wonderful little stories shared among staff that keep us going. My favourite so far is the teacher who, seeing that the class was starting to get off-track, used the “stern face” that works so well in the classroom setting…only to have the students all call out that “your screen is frozen”!

We all need to talk to each other, not just today, but every day. Take a look at some of the resources available on the “Let’s Talk” website and share them with your family. If you need help, reach out. If you are in a position of giving help, reach out. We are blessed with a school community that truly cares for each other.

Chris Starkey
Admininstrative Principal
Mentor College/TEAM School


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