All students are required to complete 30 credits of 110 hours each to earn a high school diploma. This program will be four years in length, and following grade ten students will be streamed in their courses as preparation for university, college or the workplace.
Compulsory Credits
Eighteen of the thirty credits are compulsory. The remaining twelve are optional, allowing students to pursue individual interests and meet university, college or work requirements. Compulsory credits include:
- 4 Credits in English
- 3 Credits in Mathematics
- 2 Credits in Science
- 1 Credit in Canadian History
- 1 Credit in Canadian Geography
- 1 Credit in the Arts
- 1 Credit in Health and Physical Education
- 1 Credit in French as a Second Language
- 0.5 Credit in Career Studies
- 0.5 Credit in Civics
Plus one credit from each of the following groups:
- 1 additional credit in English, or French as a Second Language, or a Native Language, or a Classical or an International Language, or Social Sciences and the Humanities, or Canadian and World Studies, or Guidance and Career Education, or Cooperative Education
- 1 additional credit in Health and Physical Education, or The Arts, or Business Studies, or Cooperative Education
- 1 additional credit in Science, or Technological Education, or Cooperative Education
Students will also have to complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement above the 30 credits, as a requirement prior to graduation. They must also successfully complete the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT).
Grade Nine and Ten Courses at Mentor College
- Courses are streamed as either academic or open
- Academic courses will cover core content with a focus on theory plus enrichment activities
- Some courses (e.g. physical and health education) will be open, and single-streamed.
- Streaming in Grade 9 has been designed so that the courses students take will prepare them for either Grade 10 stream. Grade 9 students will be able to move to the other stream in Grade 10 if they choose
- Some Grade 10 courses will be prerequisites for specific Grade 11 courses. Students will have to consider future goals when they make choices for Grade 10
- Transfer courses will be available for students in Grade 10, 11 and 12 who want to move to another stream, or change their minds about their future goals.
Community Service Requirements
Contact: High School Vice-Principal Mr. Randy Hall or your guidance counsellor.
Every student who begins secondary school in Ontario will be required to complete 40 hours of community involvement in order to receive a diploma. The purpose of this requirement is to encourage students to develop an understanding of the various roles they can play in their community and to help them develop a greater sense of belonging within the community.
This document provides information on the community involvement diploma requirement for students and parents, as well for the persons and organizations who are asked by students to sponsor a particular community involvement activity. If further information is required, please contact the person identified above.
Students will select one or more community involvement activities in consultation with their parents. Selection of activities should take into account the age, maturity, and ability of the student, the location and environment of the proposed activity, and the need for any special training, equipment and preparation. The safety of the student is paramount.
It should be noted that students will not be paid for performing any community involvement activity.
A parent is not required to sign a form or to be consulted if the student is eighteen years of age or older.
Roles and Responsibilities of Mentor College
Mentor College is responsible for the implementation of community involvement activities through the school. A list of approved community involvement activities has been developed by the school. This list is included in this information package, along with a list of activities that the Ministry of Education and Training has stated are ineligible. Mentor College will not approve student participation in any activities that are on the ministry’s list of ineligible activities. Mentor College must ensure that all participants, including student and community sponsors, are adequately covered by school insurance.
All students tracking sheet are filed in the office of the vice-principal and hours recorded on the student data base. When the 40 hours are completed this is noted on the Ontario Student Transcript.
Mentor College: List of Eligible Activities
- Working and/or assisting with activities for the elderly (senior citizens)
- Working and/or assisting with persons who are physically or mentally challenged
- Coaching an athletic team in the community, or assisting with the management of the team
- Helping any community organization such as Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, United Way, Kids Help Phone, Food Banks.
- Working with the Boy Scouts of Canada or Girl Guides of Canada, Daily Break Food Bank, Children’s Aid Society
- Volunteer work in any health care setting (hospital)
- Working with any community organization recognized as helping make the city a safer or more environmentally sound place.
- Volunteering time to raise money for recognized charities such as Kid’s Help Phone, Canada World Youth, Interim Place, Canadian Cancer Society, Campaign Against Child Poverty, the United Way.
- Volunteering at the Humane Society or Veterinary Clinic
- Volunteering to help in a-not-for-profit community activity that is approved by the Principal.
Mentor College: List of Ineligible Activities
Mentor College has developed a list of activities that may not be chosen as community involvement activities. These are referred to as ineligible activities. An ineligible activity is an activity that:
- Is a replacement of a class or course in which the student is enrolled (e.g. cooperative education portion of a course, job shadowing, work experience).
- Takes place during the time allotted for the instructional program on a school day. However, an activity that takes place during the student’s lunch breaks or “spare” periods is permissible.
- Takes place in a logging or mining environment, if the student is under sixteen years of age.
- Takes place in a factory, if the student is under fifteen years of age.
- Takes place in a workplace other than a factory, if the student is under fourteen years of age and is not accompanied by an adult.
- Would normally be performed for wages by a person in the workplace.
- Involves the operation of a vehicle, power tools or scaffolding.
- Involves the administration of any type or form of medication or medical procedure to other person.
- Involves handling of substances classed as “designated substances” under the Occupation Health and Safety Act.
- Requires the knowledge of a trades-person whose trade is regulated by the provincial government.