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ELL Summer School

Experienced ELL Summer Program faculty provide a positive and caring atmosphere in which the students can learn, clearly understand the work, and achieve success. Not only is confidence and self-esteem promoted, but the students may also earn a credit providing all learning expectations are met. The MC ELL Summer Program builds a strong foundation for future learning, strengthens existing English ability, and allows a newcomer to feel at home in a new environment. All new ELL students are asked to write an English Proficiency Test which will help determine which course a student will benefit from most.  The MC ELL Summer Program offers integrated speaking, listening, reading, and writing. 

By taking our classes, students will be able to:

  • Learn/improve basic grammar and sentence structure
  • Learn/improve effective essay writing skills
  • Learn/improve critical analysis skills
  • Expand conversational skills

Download the registration package.

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